CANNACEAE - Canna Family

A family of about 30 rhizomatous perennials native to tropical America. Introduced as ornamentals.

Canna hybrid (canna) is occasionally found in disturbed moist sites around settlements between Perth and the south coast, along creeks and in swamps, usually growing from dumped garden rubbish. They are all of garden origin, and cannot be confidently ascribed to any particular species. They grow up to 2.5m in height, with broad elliptical leaves up to 30cm long. The spectacular flowers can be all combinations from yellow through orange, to pink and red, and are produced in summer. Some plants have dark purple stems and foliage.

Canna hybrid. PH

COLCHICACEAE - Autumn Crocus Family

A family of about 200 species, all perennials, dying back annually to a corm, tuber or rhizome. Found principally in southern Africa and the Mediterranean. Western Australia has 19 species, one naturalised.

Baeometra uniflora grows from a corm, producing a single, slender stem up to 50cm tall but usually much shorter. There are several linear leaves and a terminal spike bearing bronzy-yellow flowers about 2cm long. Known from Bullsbrook to Donnybrook, but probably more widespread as it is an inconspicuous plant, resembling a Cape tulip when not in flower, and easily overlooked because its flowers open only on clear, cloudless days. Flowering in spring. Native to South Africa.

Baeometra uniflora . RR

COMMELINACEAE - Tradescantia Family

A family of mainly tropical and sub-tropical species, usually perennials, sometimes twining or epiphytic. Worldwide there are about 700 species, with nine species in Western Australia, three naturalised.

Commelina benghalensis is a perennial herb, with sparsely-hairy, prostrate or ascending stems, often with subterranean runners bearing closed flowers. The pale green leaves grow to 5 x 3cm. The flowers are deep blue and are produced in summer. It is found around disturbed wetlands and the Canning River in Perth. Native to tropical Africa and Asia.
Murdannia nudiflora is a prostrate herb, often rooting at the nodes. It has narrow linear leaves to 9cm long. The drooping, bluish purple flowers are about 0.6cm across. Found in swampy areas on the Mitchell Plateau. Native to tropical America.
Tradescantia albiflora (spider wort) is a perennial, succulent-stemmed herb, rooting at the nodes, with soft ovate leaves. The three-petalled white flowers are produced in spring. A garden escape, it has become naturalised in disturbed wetlands around Perth. Native to South America.

Commelina benghalensis . GK


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